New and Upcoming Entrepreneur Program

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Are you a young or new entrepreneur looking for mentorship from a business/business leader?

This program is designed to engage young and new entrepreneurs with experienced businesses that are members of CSAWCC to help expand your knowledge, skills, and more with your business.

Key Dates

Application Period: 26 May 2024 - 31 August 2024
Matching Period:  1 September 2024 - 14 September 2024
Program Running Period: Five weeks from 15 September 2024 - 20 October 2024

Register Now

Ready to engage with a business leader in your sector? Register now.

I am a business that wants to be a mentor. Get in touch with us.

Program's Information

The purpose of this program is engage young and upcoming entrepreneurs with an experienced business/business leaders in their sector as a mentor to help expand knowledge, skills, experience, and more. All young entrepreneurs are able to register for this mentorship program. 

Through this program, it aims to present youth with and give access to increased education, information, and networks with others in their sector who may be able to help mentor them and broaden their knowledge. 

Mission and Vision of the Program


To equip young entrepreneurs with the knowledge, experience and skills from experienced business leaders/owners so they can make their own business succeed. 


To envision a world where young entrepreneurs are able to thrive in their business area.

How it Works

Youth and new entrepreneurs are invited to register for this program. Following registration, you will be matched up with a business and/or business leader in the sector that you indicated in your registration. A connection will be made between you and your business mentor and the five week program will kick off!

Throughout these five weeks, there will be 1-on-1 meetings and mentorship with your business mentor, as well as larger group meetings and events between all young entrepreneurs and businesses.

At the end of the program, you will be given all the materials from CSAWCC that you went through as well as have a better understanding of running a business, greater networks, and more. 

Length of Program

The program will operate on a 5 week basis with formal events/meetings between young entrepreneurs and their business leaders once a week for 1 hour. Individuals will have the opportunity to connect further at the discretion of their business leader they are paired with. 

Application Period: 26 May 2024 - 31 August 2024
Matching Period:  1 September 2024 - 14 September 2024
Program Running Period: Five weeks from 15 September 2024 - 20 October 2024

Focus Areas with Mentor

Areas of focus throughout the five week program will include: 

  • Business development and planning
  • Business financial needs and accounting
  • Clients/Customers and Delivering Quality Services/Products
  • Marketing and Social Media Supports
  • Open discussions between you and your business mentor on any topic you feel you need support with

Cost of Program

Registration is open to member and non-members of CSAWCC at the following rates:

Cost to Youth 

Member: $25.00
Non-Member: $40.00

Not a member? Join now before registering. Your membership is good for 1 year and gives a reduced rate to all CSAWCC programs, events, and access to private items as well just for CSAWCC members.


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CSAWCC Acknowledges that we are located on the traditional territories of many Indigenous Communities and that we all have a responsibility to learn more about the rich history and culture of Indigenous Communities and their People as we work toward full reconciliation.

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